Friday, March 16, 2012

Taibb e Nabvi - 5

1.Rasool Allah (S.W) said :- Decorate your Dastarkhwan with the vegetable since vegetable remove devil from dastarkhwan.

2.Rasool Allah (S.W) said :- Use garlic as much as you can. Since it is the medicine of seventy decease but don't go in masjid and party (gathering of people) with the smell of garlic.

3.Rasool Allah (S.W) said :- If you go in a new city eat vegetable of there you will safe from decease.

4.Rasool Allah (S.W) said :- Don't eat earth since it is haram on my ummat.

5.Rasool Allah (S.W) said :- Don't fear from cold since it save you from madness(junoon).

6.Rasool Allah (S.W) said :- KALONJI is the medicine of each pain except death. There is no medicine for death.

7.Rasool Allah (S.W) said :- Use thyme(Azwayan) since it make strong brain.

8.Rasool Allah (S.W) said :- Headache is the root of all decease.

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