Friday, June 28, 2013

कुछ दूर हमारे साथ चलो, हम दिल कि कहानी कह देंगे,

कुछ दूर हमारे साथ चलो, हम दिल कि कहानी कह देंगे,
समझे न जिसे तुम आंखों से, वो बात ज़बानी कह देंगे |

जो प्यार करेंगे, जानेंगे, हर बात हमारी मानेंगे,
जो खुद न जले हों उल्फत में, वो आग को पानी कह देंगे |
जब प्यास जवान हो जायेगी, एहसास की मंजिल पायेगी,
खामोश रहेंगे और तुम्हें, हम अपनी कहानी कह देंगे |

इस दिल में ज़रा तुम बैठो तो, कुछ हाल हमारा पूछो तो ,
हम सादा दिल हैं मगर, हर बात पुरानी कह देंगे |

Friday, June 21, 2013

If we cant change system, atleast we should change ourself

Must Read full :- If we cant change system, atleast we should change ourself

I find restaurant bills often so confusing,
I just give up and pay the amount shown n the bottom line.

Perhaps we shouldn't.

Incidentally, I also resent the inclusion of Service Charges in
restaurant bills, because it assumes that I was satisfied with the
service. Just a matter of principle. Service Charge should be
something I leave behind at my personal discretion.
I recently demanded that the service charge be removed as the service was non-existent. After a short - very short! - discussion, it was removed. About Service Tax..... Be aware

This happened at the restaurant.

Let me explain.

We had been to several restaurants recently. I observed that "service
tax" was being misused in the way it was being charged to customers.

Let me give an example.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Food and Beverage = Rs. 1000.00

Service Charges @ 10% = Rs. 100.00

Service Tax @ 4.94% = Rs. 54.34 (on F&B + Service Charges)

VAT @14.5% = Rs. 145.00

Total = Rs. 1299.34

As per the definition - "Service Tax can be charged ONLY for the

services provided to the customer".

Now, see what is happening here in the above example.

Service Tax should be charged only on the Service Charge amount i.e
Rs.100 ONLY, and NOT on the entire amount (1000+100).

In this example, the customer should be charged only Rs 4.94, whereas
he has been charged Rs. 49.00 extra.

Where does this money go?
Only the restaurant owner and the chartered accountants who work for them know.

· So, I have started asking them the questions - and am
surprised to see the reaction from famous restaurants. Either they
say: "Sir we cannot change the format of the bill - so , we will
recalculate and tell you the revised amount. You may pay only that."


· "Sir, you do not need to pay the Service Tax amount itself"!!

I now have 3 to 4 restaurant bills, but for which I have paid only the
service tax on the service charge and NOT on the total amount.

Every bill MUST carry the TIN number and Service Tax Number, if they
charge it. So . . . , I ask for the Service tax number if it is not
available in the receipt that they provide.

As we cannot go to any government official and ask them to get this
right - because of our system.

Please remember - we cannot change any political leader - but we can
change ourselves.

If we change ourselves - things will change.

Please do share this with every one of your friends and known people.

Ask for the right tax calculation
Pay only the tax which is supposed to be paid.

Verify every bill and receipt that you make payment on.

Friday, June 14, 2013


‎1. Einstein was awarded the Nobel prize, not for his theory of relativity but for his less well known work on the photoelectric effect of light.

2.The sound you hear when you snap your fingers is not caused by the connection of your fingers – it is the sound of your middle finger hitting the base of your thumb.

3. Rice paper is not made from rice – it is actually made from the pith of the plant Tetrapanax papyriferus (rice paper plant).

4. Pirates didn’t walk the plank nor did they make people walk the plank. Walking the plank is a myth. When a pirate wanted to dispose of someone they did the most obvious and simple thing: they tossed them overboard.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Get rid of under-eye dark circles

One of the best home remedies to fight dark circles is using cucumber slices on your eyes.
Applying cool cucumber slices on your eyes can be soothing and reduces puffiness and prevent skin discoloration.
Use them for five to ten minutes and see a marked improvement in your under-eye area.

Another effective homemade remedy would be using tea bags on your eyes. Tea bags contain caffeine and anti-oxidants, that help repair damaged skin. Take used tea bags, cool them, squeeze them and keep them on your eyes for 10 minutes.

Raw potatoes also help in reducing dark circles. Cool a potato in the refrigerator and cut it into very thin slices. Keep applying them 2-3 times a day for around 20 minutes.

Almond oil is considered as an effective remedy to remove dark circles. Massaging the area with almond oil before going to bed also diminishes dark circles.